About John-Keats.com

Awards and Reviews

November 2nd, 2000: WAP Watch by Victor Keegan (The Guardian)
« If you want to surf on your Wap (wireless application protocol) phone without typing in all the web addresses - it takes two or three key strokes per letter - there are easier ways. [...]
When you have nearly exhausted yourself, type in john-keats.com and relax in the company of some of our best poets. It includes an index of first lines to Shakespeare's sonnets. »
August 15th, 2000: Cool Wapsite of the Day
« DESCRIPTION: Some people say that you're either a romantic or you're not, you're a tragic, poetic soul or a hard-nosed banker. I've never thought that was entirely fair--bankers have feelings too, after all, or so I assume. Maybe that is, itself, a romantic conceit. Hard for me to say, since I'm a die-hard romantic myself. But setting that issue aside for a moment, I think something that most folks across the romantic continuum could agree to is that, in this stern, quotidian modern world of ours, we could all use a bit more poetry in our lives.

Thanks to John-Keats.com, a web-and-WAP site out of (oddly enough) Germany, you can have that poetry piped straight into your WAP phone. Boasting over 200 complete poems by some of the English language's all-time greats, a poetry fix is only a WAP away. Feeling lovelorn and generally shat-upon by those of the opposite sex? Take comfort with Keats's "Ode to Solitude". Getting old before your time, feeling weary of the world and what you encounter in it? try Byron's "On This Day I Complete My Thirty-Sixth Year". Wanna wow that lovely, bookish girl sitting beside you at the bar? Shakespeare's Sonnet 18 (you know, the one that starts "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?") should do the trick.

The poets offered are heavily weighted toward the English romantics, which to some of us is no bad thing (myself, I have the complete poetical works of Byron, Keats, Shelley, Tennyson, Yeats, and even that hack Wordsworth, sitting on my shelves at home). They include:

William Blake
Lord Byron
Elizabeth Barrett-Browning
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Emily Dickinson
John Donne
Ben Jonson
John Keats
Richard Lovelace
Andrew Marvell
John Milton
Edgar Allen Poe
William Shakespeare
Percy Bysshe Shelley
William Wordsworth

My only quibbles with this site would be over the omission of certain poets and certain poems. After all, how can you have a site like this without Tennyson or Yeats? And for that matter, leaving Robert Browning out but including his wife seems somewhat unkind, though frankly not incomprehensible. But where are those Keats masterpieces, "Ode to A Grecian Urn" and "La Belle Dame Sans Merci", hmmm? Of course, given a normal page width those two poems clock in at 50 and 48 lines, respectively, so with a WAP phone you'd be scrolling down endlessly, and maybe even have to click "more" a few times, which could conceivably spoil the effect. Tennyson and Yeats didn't really write short poems either, for that matter (the Romantics were nothing if not verbose) so maybe it's a matter of length. All in all, though, this is a small thing. There's lots of good stuff here, after all.

So the next time you're in between meetings, or waiting for the bus, don't check the stock prices or the latest football scores--visit John-Keats.com instead. Come on. It's good for the soul.

--Dan (who's still patting himself on the back for slipping a fifty-cent word like "quotidian" into the first paragraph)»

December 13th, 2000: Review by mobilmánia.sk (Slovakia).
« Ak zrovna nemáte talent na písanie do ruzovej kniznice, môzete si niečo "vypozičať" od veľkých básnikov. Stránka www.john-keats.com/wap/index.wml ponúka najlepsí výber prác velikánov poézie, ako boli Shakespeare, Wordsworth a samozrejme Keats. To je rozhodne lepsie ako tradičné zasielanie vtipov alebo videoklipov - určite neostanete bez povsimnutia! »
Motorola Wireless Web Directory
John-Keats.com is awarded five out of five stars for quality in the Motorola Wireless Web Directory.
« Site offering "mobile poems" from some of the world's most renowned English language poets. »
five stars by Motorola.comfive stars by Motorola.comfive stars by Motorola.comfive stars by Motorola.comfive stars by Motorola.com
August 7th, 2000: Review by Cellmania
« John-Keats.com, WAP: http://www.john-keats.com/wap/index.wml An exceptional literary site, john-keats.com offers poetry enthusiasts "mobile poems" from many of the world's renowned English-language writers. Get your daily fix of romantics such as Blake, Keats, Dickinson, Milton, Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Poe and Barret-Browning, and impress your friends by quoting their great poems. This savvy site features a sizable selection of each poet's best-known works, including the complete and incomparable sonnets of Shakespeare. Anyone who loved high school or college English class cannot fail to appreciate this site. »
August 7th, 2000: Review by WAP.com
« Reviewed: John Keats’ Poems Are you tired of news, jokes and search engines as the only WAP services recommended for book marking? Give your days some cultural highlights with the WAP service John Keats’ Poems. »
June 7th, 2001: Review by msn.fr
« Un hommage au poète anglais John Keats.
http://www.john-keats.com/ - Tous Publics - Site allemand en Anglais
Sur ce site, une biographie très détaillée du poète anglais John Keats est disponible, agrémentée de notes d'approfondissement de certains moments de sa vie. Un grand choix de poèmes peut être lu en ligne, ainsi que des extraits de sa correspondance, reliés à leur contexte.

Rated best (3 Stars) by msn.frRated best (3 Stars) by msn.frRated best (3 Stars) by msn.frRated best (3 Stars) by msn.fr

Responsible Editor
Thilo von Pape
Belgradstraße 71
80804 München

other Websites I made:
rilke.de (in German)
Freiherr-von-Knigge.de (in German)
Die-Leiden-des-jungen-Werther.de (in German)
Les-Liaisons-Dangereuses.com (in French)
www.rilke.de www.Freiherr-von-Knigge.de www.John-Keats.com www.The-Sorrows-of-Young-Werther.com www.Les-Liaisons-Dangereuses.com

Page Design
Online IT
Ingo Schramme
Nerzweg 7
26131 Oldenburg
Online IT

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